We’re two best friends who don’t take traveling lightly. If you like slow-paced vacations with plenty of rest and relaxation, this may not be the blog for you. We try to see as much as we can in the time we have because we know you’re never guaranteed a second chance. Read more about us below and read our introduction blog.
“A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you.”
Hi there! My name is Lindsay Judy and I am passionate about planning adventures. I love doing the trip research, figuring out how to make the best use of our time on a trip, and making itineraries that optimize our experiences. My family loved to travel as I was growing up and I get my love of planning trips (and finding good deals) from my Dad. I work full time as a Speech-Language Pathologist at a school in Texas and I use all of my school holidays to travel as much as I can. I am always being asked for the itineraries for the trips I plan, so I decided to share them with all of you. :)
Hey! My name is Rebecca Harris and I’m the other half of Adventure Starts Here. My love for adventure is pretty much equal to my love of design and photography. While Lindsay plans the trips mostly, I mainly handle our photography, videos (we both do the shooting), and design all our resources. I went to school in Texas for graphic design and now work at a creative agency doing music and creative projects. I’m lucky enough to be able to travel around the world and get to tell you guys all about it combining two things I love - travel and creative work.